Sprinkle Kindness Around Like Confetti

In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic, small acts of kindness can create ripples of positivity. Join the kindness challenge and discover how spreading love can make you a more present and compassionate person:

Why Be Kind?

Duh, I hope that’s a rhetorical question, but it truly can feel hard to practice kindness especially when people aren’t affording the same kindness around you. These scenarios are exactly why it’s important that YOU become the beacon of light, inspiring others to spread love, show compassion and operate out of positivity. Spreading kindness around like confetti, isn’t about random acts of kindness; it's a deliberate and conscious effort to make kindness your default.


Living kindly means actively seeking opportunities for kindness in your everyday life.  In order for it to truly go beyond occasional gestures,  you’ve got to be consistent and intentional about nurturing the practice with yourself first. When you start with yourself first, kindness ripples outward and fosters a culture of connection, creating a positive impact on both you and the receiver.

Spread Kindness - Where Do I Start?

Compliment a Stranger:  Give a genuine compliment to someone you interact with today. Maybe it’s about a skill, their positive energy, or a quirk that stands out and makes them unique. (Added bonus: when you put this on your “to-do” list, you’ll find a lot more to compliment in others - it’s a vicious circle, in the very best way).

Send a Thoughtful Message:  Write a quick text, voicenote, Instagram DM or even an old-school snail mail card to a friend or family member with a heartfelt message expressing appreciation, gratitude, or simply checking in to brighten their day.

Pay It Forward: I love doing this in the Starbs drive-thru - I’ve asked to put $25 on a Gift card and use it until it runs out.

Volunteer Your Time: Dedicate a few hours to volunteer for a cause you're passionate about or one you know nothing about - use it as a learning opportunity! Giving your time and efforts can make a significant difference in the lives of others.

Leave Positive Notes: Place uplifting notes in unexpected places—on a colleague's desk, in a library book, or even on a public bulletin board. Your words may be just what someone needs to read.

 The Joy of Giving - For Your Own Mental Health

Acts of kindness trigger the release of feel good hormones, called endorphins. These natural mood boosters promote a sense of peace and well-being. Lately, when I’ve intentionally practiced acts of kindness, I found myself flooded with peace and the corners of my mouth curling upwards. It’s like the sun shines through and it’s peaceful. This regular practice has helped me navigate challenges and setbacks in a completely different zone - and when I’m nicer, so are those around me. Frustrations, problems, setbacks are all solved so much quicker.

Embrace the joy of giving and watch as kindness becomes a transformative force in your life, positively influencing your mental well-being and creating a ripple effect of positivity in the world around you. I challenge you to practice one act of kindness each day this week and share your experiences.

Erica Stupfel

e*design Creative Services specializes in making professional design available to small companies and individuals. I understand the importance in brand identity and how a positive visual representation of your product or service can make the difference between success and failure. Your ideas and vision combined with my marketing and design expertise will be a sure success story.


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